Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Effective Leadership

Who You Are?
    Network (Connection with people)
    Networth (Money)
    Your body
This makes your Platform.
What you do with it is your PURPOSE
Platform is a spring board
Purpose leads to the impact you make over time.

Platform Vs. Purpose
Key drivers

A need to have Eduaction
High life style
Consumption is his success
Low Platform / High purpose(Satisfied being a Teacher)
Altruism: desire to do good
E.g. Early stage companies

Sense of Legacy
To leave something behind (a legacy)
is the primary sense of a leader

High platform / High performance
Needs feelings for people many times away from you (down the heirarchy or un-connected)
Must have long view of time (takes a life time to make a difference)
Not fazed by failure, willing to pay personal price
Driven by sense of legacy (builds an emotional infrastructure)
Physical infrastructure just gives your presence, intellectual infrastructure matters
So Focus on emotional infrastructure

Emitional Infrastructure Companies
Leadership proximity
Rich communication lines (multiple network , not just boss to subordinate)
Vision, values
Use of Technology

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